Sunday, September 28, 2008

Finals' Question # 5

virgin company is a multinational company that operates globaly and serving defferent industries. Virgin company consider Management Information System as a great asset to its opreration, because MIS helps them in amanaging a extensive amount of information that is gathered world wide. the company has its own website which enables them to aquire feedbacks from their customers about their services that helps them to apply improvements for their operations to more satisfy their customers.

Finals' Question # 3

Virtual office is internet base office or an online office ussually used by small businesses. this enable users to have an office online, either through personal computer or mobile, gives user an easy axist to its business anywhere and anytime as long as there is an internet connection. Virtual office also offers the most convinience to most business people because of its low cost in application.

Finals' Question #4

KBS os also called Exter system, is n artificial intelligence system that gives the best course of action or a set of step-by-step action in solving a particular problem. KBS gives course of action to the user and an explanation why the user should take the action, unlike DSS is only serves as an aid in decision making. Knowledge Base System is also a part Of Managemet Informtion System. Applying a KBS would cut the cost of a company because they dont have to hire experts to work on a particular problem.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Finals' Question # 2

DSS is a program that process raw data, make some coparisons on alternatives, and generates information that aid an organization in the decision making process. it helps in seleting the best course of action from many alternative courses of action. DSS is use by middle and senior managers while MIS is use in all level of management. DSS is only a part of MIS. for example if an production company wanted to add more product line, DSS acalculates the cost of the addition of product line and the time needed in the adoption. DSS enables company to come-up a particular decision that is less risky and could give a best result.